Collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) — debt securities backed by a managed portfolio of leveraged loans — constitute the largest AAA-rated, floating-rate asset class and are seeing increasing demand from banks and the rise of CLO exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This demand has driven spreads on CLOs to near their post-Global Financial Crisis tights. When these spreads tighten, new CLO creation tends to increase as CLO managers raise equity and purchase leveraged loans to issue new CLO debt at lower spreads. Today’s Chart of the Week illustrates how the CLO market continues to increase in size relative to the leveraged loan market.
Gross issuance for both the leveraged loan and CLO markets set new annual records in 2024, exceeding $1.3 trillion in leveraged loans and slightly under $500 billion in CLO.1 Despite record new issue volumes, the size of leveraged loans and CLOs outstanding increased by $21 billion and $43 billion, respectively in 2024.2 The modest growth in market size can be explained by the large percentage of issuance in each asset class that was used to lower the cost and/or extend the maturity on existing debt. 87% of leveraged loan issuance and 59% of CLO issuance were issued to reprice or refinance existing debt, the highest percentages on record.3 Additional amortization and outright call activity of existing CLO debt reduced net supply by an estimated $137 billion.4
Key Takeaway
Estimates for 2025 indicate another robust year of gross CLO issuance based on an improving regulatory outlook for banks and heightened interest rate volatility driving demand for floating-rate CLOs. The sources of this gross issuance are important for the path forward for CLO spreads. Net CLO supply faces headwinds from a lack of leveraged loan supply due to low levels of mergers and acquisitions and leveraged buyout activity. As demand from CLOs drives prices higher and spreads lower for leveraged loans, the economic incentive — known as the CLO “arbitrage” — to raise equity capital for new CLOs diminishes. If this trend continues, issuance in 2025 may end up looking very similar to 2024.
1,3J.P. Morgan – 2024 Leveraged Loan Annual Review; January 2025
2Bank of America – CLO Factbook; February 2025
4Bank of America – 2025 Year Ahead Outlook (CLO); 11/24/24
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High-Yield bonds are subject to greater fluctuations in value and risk of loss of income and principal. Investing in higher yielding, lower rated corporate bonds have a greater risk of price fluctuations and loss of principal and income than U.S. Treasury bonds and bills. Government securities offer a higher degree of safety and are guaranteed as to the timely payment of principal and interest if held to maturity.
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